
Shabbos information

for kiddush

This week's Torah chapter is Shabbos Sukkos

This Friday, October 18 Mincha will be at 6:30 PM

Candle lighting will be at 5:45 PM

Kidush is sponsored by Shulim & Dvoyra Imas on occasion of TBA

Mincha on Shabbos, October 19 will be at 5:35 PM

Maariv will be at 6:43 PM

Shabbos ends at 6:53 PM

Date Parsha Kidush
September 21 Ki Savo Reserved
September 28 Nitzavim, Vayelech Reserved
October 3 Rosh Hashana I Reserved
October 4 Rosh Hashana II Reserved
October 5 Ha`azinu, Shabbos Shuva Reserved
October 17 Sukkos I Available
October 18 Sukkos II Available
October 19 Shabbos Sukkos Reserved
October 24 Shmini Atzeres Available
October 25 Simchas Torah Reserved
October 26 Bereshis Available
November 2 Noach Available
November 9 Lech Lecha Reserved
November 16 Vayera Available
November 23 Chaye Sarah Reserved
November 30 Toledos Available
December 7 Vayetze Reserved
December 14 Vayishlach Reserved
December 21 Vayeshev Available
December 28 Miketz Available
January 4 Vayigash Available
January 11 Vayechi Available
January 18 Shemos Available
January 25 Vaera Available
February 1 Bo Available
February 8 Beshalach, Shabbos Shira Available
February 15 Yisro Available
February 22 Mishpotim Available
March 1 Terumah, Shabbos Shkolim Available
March 8 Tetzavveh, Shabbos Zochor Available
March 15 Ki Sissa Available
March 22 Vayakhel, Shabbos Parah Available
March 29 Pekudei, Shabbos HaChodesh Available
April 5 Vayikra Available
April 12 Tzav Available
April 19 Shabbos Pesach Available
April 26 Shemini Available
May 3 Tazria, Metzora Available
May 10 Acharei Mos, Kedoshim Available
May 17 Emor Available
May 24 Behar, Behukosai Available
May 31 Bemidbar Available
June 2 Shavuos I Available
June 3 Shavuos II Available
June 7 Naso Available
June 14 Beha`aloscha Available
June 21 Shelach Available
June 28 Korach Available
July 5 Chukas Available
July 12 Balak Available
July 19 Pinchas Available
July 26 Matos, Maseh Available
August 2 Devorim, Shabbos Chazon Available
August 9 Vaeschanan, Shabbos Nachamu Available
August 16 Eikev Available
August 23 Re`eh Available
August 30 Shoftim Available
September 6 Ki Seitze Reserved
September 13 Ki Savo Available
September 20 Nitzavim Available
September 23 Rosh Hashana I Available
September 24 Rosh Hashana II Available
September 27 Vayelech, Shabbos Shuva Available
October 4 Ha`azinu Available
October 7 Sukkos I Available
October 8 Sukkos II Available
October 11 Shabbos Sukkos Available
October 14 Shmini Atzeres Available


Kiddush reservation is not complete
until we receive your payment of $300.
Thank you!


For Venmo and Zelle donations use email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All donations are tax deductible

Week at a glance

Videos by Rabbi Dimarsky


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