for kiddush

This week's Torah chapter is Bereshis

This Friday, October 25 Mincha will be at 6:30 PM

Candle lighting will be at 5:35 PM

Kidush is sponsored by Shulim & Dvoyra Imas on occasion of TBA

Mincha on Shabbos, October 26 will be at 5:25 PM

Maariv will be at 6:33 PM

Shabbos ends at 6:43 PM

Date Parsha Kidush
September 28 Nitzavim, Vayelech Reserved
October 3 Rosh Hashana I Reserved
October 4 Rosh Hashana II Reserved
October 5 Ha`azinu, Shabbos Shuva Reserved
October 17 Sukkos I Date past
October 18 Sukkos II Date past
October 19 Shabbos Sukkos Date past
October 24 Shmini Atzeres Reserved
October 25 Simchas Torah Reserved
October 26 Bereshis Reserved
November 2 Noach Available
November 9 Lech Lecha Reserved
November 16 Vayera Available
November 23 Chaye Sarah Reserved
November 30 Toledos Available
December 7 Vayetze Reserved
December 14 Vayishlach Reserved
December 21 Vayeshev Available
December 28 Miketz Available
January 4 Vayigash Available
January 11 Vayechi Reserved
January 18 Shemos Available
January 25 Vaera Available
February 1 Bo Available
February 8 Beshalach, Shabbos Shira Available
February 15 Yisro Available
February 22 Mishpotim Available
March 1 Terumah, Shabbos Shkolim Available
March 8 Tetzavveh, Shabbos Zochor Available
March 15 Ki Sissa Available
March 22 Vayakhel, Shabbos Parah Available
March 29 Pekudei, Shabbos HaChodesh Available
April 5 Vayikra Available
April 12 Tzav Available
April 19 Shabbos Pesach Available
April 26 Shemini Available
May 3 Tazria, Metzora Available
May 10 Acharei Mos, Kedoshim Available
May 17 Emor Available
May 24 Behar, Behukosai Available
May 31 Bemidbar Available
June 2 Shavuos I Available
June 3 Shavuos II Available
June 7 Naso Available
June 14 Beha`aloscha Available
June 21 Shelach Available
June 28 Korach Available
July 5 Chukas Available
July 12 Balak Available
July 19 Pinchas Available
July 26 Matos, Maseh Available
August 2 Devorim, Shabbos Chazon Available
August 9 Vaeschanan, Shabbos Nachamu Available
August 16 Eikev Available
August 23 Re`eh Available
August 30 Shoftim Available
September 6 Ki Seitze Reserved
September 13 Ki Savo Available
September 20 Nitzavim Available
September 23 Rosh Hashana I Available
September 24 Rosh Hashana II Available
September 27 Vayelech, Shabbos Shuva Available
October 4 Ha`azinu Reserved
October 7 Sukkos I Available
October 8 Sukkos II Available
October 11 Shabbos Sukkos Available
October 14 Shmini Atzeres Available
October 15 Simchas Torah Available
October 18 Bereshis Available


Kiddush reservation is not complete
until we receive your payment of $300.
Thank you!


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All donations are tax deductible